Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The GP visit and success!

Well I have just been and she had read my letter & documentation I gave her about Lyme Disease. She had rung an infectious diseases consultant who recommended that I was actually tested for LD then regardless of result, to refer me to him! LD tests are notoriously inaccurate due to LD bacteria 'hiding' at will so he will see me anyway based on my symptoms which they say are neurological and indicate it anyway, especially with me having had the rash etc. So it is, at long last, being taken seriously! It has taken me three years to get a gp to look further than the CFS diagnosis! I have been warned that even after treatment, I may still be left with all my symptoms but at least if the LD bacteria are annihilated, I should not get any worse.

I am going with an open mind - I do not expect a miracle cure. So, I have my LD serology test done on Tuesday and am then to see my GP again three weeks later whereupon she will probably refer me to the consultant for Infectious Diseases.

I would never have got this reaction from my old GP so am glad that I have changed.

If you are ever bitten by a tick, get your GP to take it seriously if you start getting symptoms. A positive Lyme test result is not necessary as the test throws up false positives anyway as they can diagnose you on symptoms alone if they suspect a tick was involved. Not all ticks carry Lyme Disease but some do and I was just unlucky. 

My love of yomping through local woodlands with my group of dogs came to an abrupt end because of this.  I can no longer ride horses, do agility with my dogs, walk my dogs for any  length of time, go out clubbing with friends or swim 50 - 60 lengths 3 times a week like I used to.   I break out into a sweat even doing something like dusting and polishing.  Pushing a vacuum cleaner causes me such pain in my hips and back.  I wake up every morning feeling like I haven't slept!  I ache, I get nagging pains and sudden stabbing pains anywhere and everywhere on my body.  I cannot stand loud noise, I cannot go out into bright daylight without sunglasses on.  When it is sunny outside our curtains have to be closed.  I perpetually feel as though I am coming down with a cold or the flu.  My short term memory is stupidly bad and I can no longer absorb new knowledge and information like I used to.   This disease leaves you with a 'half life'  Don't let it happen to you - it IS on the increase! Educate yourselves and learn how to avoid getting bitten and how to deal with it if you are.  Keep this page on your favourites - you never know! ->

Be safe.  Be Tick Aware no matter where you live.  They have even been found in gardens.

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